appeal to the supreme court|appeal to the supreme court in English

appealing of a legal case to the highest court, referral of a case to the Supreme Court

Use "appeal to the supreme court|appeal to the supreme court" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "appeal to the supreme court|appeal to the supreme court" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "appeal to the supreme court|appeal to the supreme court", or refer to the context using the word "appeal to the supreme court|appeal to the supreme court" in the English Dictionary.

1. Either side could appeal jurisdictional questions to the Exchequer Court and the Supreme Court of Canada.

2. The appeal must be sent to the registry of the Supreme Administrative Court before the submission deadline

3. A cassation appeal is decided by the Supreme Administrative Court, usually without a hearing

4. Supreme Contemptuousness in the Supreme Court The Supreme Court is a supreme threat.

5. The United States Supreme Court on January 18, 2011, rejected Jackson's appeal without comment.

6. An appeal to the changes was filed and the Supreme Court agreed in August 2014 to review it.

7. The case went to the court of appeal/the appeal court.

8. The California Appellate Courts Case Information System provides case information for California Supreme Court and Court of Appeal cases

9. The stamp duty was paid and the cassation appeal was accepted by the Supreme Court.

10. An appeal for an annulment of the sentence was lodged with the Supreme Court of Greece, the Court of Cassation.

11. A contentious-administrative appeal may still be lodged before the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court.

12. Final Appeal to Supreme Court Any person aggrieved by any order made by Bar Council of India can within sixty days file an appeal to the Supreme Court of India and the Supreme Court , after hearing both the parties , can pass such order including varying of the punishment awarded by the Disciplinary Committee of Bar Council of India .

13. The Supreme Court left that ruling in effect by refusing to consider an appeal from the state of Texas.

14. Each year, litigants in hundreds of cases petition the Supreme Court seeking a “writ of certiorari” — agreement of the court to hear an appeal from a lower court.

15. Supreme Court to hear an appeal from a lower court. The word Certiorari comes from a Latin word meaning "to be more fully informed." The act of "granting Certiorari" means the Supreme Court agrees to hear a case.

16. The Supreme Court is the head of the judicial branch of government and the final court of appeal for all cases in South Korean law.

17. Ashers lost the initial case which was taken against it and its subsequent appeal, but in October 2018 the firm won an appeal at the Supreme Court

18. The Clapv fellows worked with ELAW staff lawyers and scientists in the United States on cases being prepared to appeal to China’s Supreme Court.

19. ISIS bride Shamima Begum's Supreme Court hearing has been told allowing her to return to the UK to appeal would be an 'affront to justice'.

20. The state Supreme Court agreed with the lower court.

21. Appeals from decisions of this court go to the Oregon Supreme Court.

22. Additional judges may be appointed for an appeal court or labour appeal court.

23. The High Court has referred the case to the Court of Appeal.

24. He's been appointed to the State Supreme Court.

25. However , for purposes of appeal , there is no provision in the Constitution which makes a High Court administratively subordinate to the Supreme Court in the same manner as members of the state judiciary below the High Court are ' subordinate ' to the High Court .